Grad links: Google+, when work experience is worth it and reality TV

We’ve whinged before about graduates being told they should “get some work experience” – a statement which has become such a career advice truism we’ve condemned it to the ‘overused and pointless’ tips pile (you’ll find ‘”spell check your CV” here too).

Which is why it’s refreshing to see Diya Gupta asking some interesting questions about the issue in Guardian Work: “Is a week’s work experience of real use to graduates, and what do employers think?”

Well worth a read and concludes with these wise words: “it’s a trial run for both [employer and candidate”.

Lindsay Cochrane: When Work Experience is Worth it – All Media Scotland

While we’re on the subject of work experience, here’s another great blog on the ever-debated topic by Lindsay Cochrane, a recent graduate who has just landed her first journalism job an impressive three days after handing in her final essay at university.

Sounds jammy, but as the post soon reveals it’s effort and not luck that landed Lindsay her first role. If Lindsay’s story proves anything – apart from she’s clearly cut out for the job – it’s that work experience – providing you have bags of enthusiasm – can pay off.

Interview tomorrow, mild panic today – the Graduate Diaries

An interesting and candid piece from a recent English grad preparing for and worrying over an interview at the Job Centre, not for a job, but to sign on.

Reality TV ‘harming young people’s confidence in job market’ – Guardian

According to Teesside Universitie’s youth and communities expert Professor Tony Chapman: “Young people are frustrated by celebrity culture because they perceive one model which is saying, ‘you can be whatever you want’ with limited skills, by just going on Big Brother, or The Apprentice … as opposed to much more realistic options like, ‘how am I going to get into affordable accommodation’ and ‘how am I going to get myself a job that’s secure’? The mismatch between those two things causes a very large number of people to feel an impact on their self-esteem.”

I would have thought tougher competition for roles and the consequential increased likelihood of rejection was having more of an impact on grad confidence, but this study is worth a read regardless.

Celine is Looking for a Fashion Job

Grad Links may mainly be about highlighting blogs and advice pieces, but I had to include this digital CV by French-born, London-dwelling fashionista Celine Cavalleiro. If only to show you what the competition, and their applications, look like. The CV bar has been raised. Again.

7 reasons why a potential employer won’t read your resume, and what to do about it – New Grad Life

Erm, well number one on this collection of tips completely undermines my enthusiasm for Celine’s digital CV above: “[Employers] are unimpressed by the latest resume ‘fad’.”

While I may not agree with that one, I think number six is a valid point: “Most readers know that their company is in no hurry to hire. Even if they are interested in you, they will take their time responding. They are not interested in calling you back right away, even if they like your resume.”

IKEA job interview – The Meta Picture

Spotted this illustrative gem on Twitter via @savvyjobseekers. Could you think of a better way to prove you were perfect for the job?

This sourcer is totally geeking out over Google+ – Fist Full of Talent

Move over LinkedIn? Here blogger and recruiting manager, Kelly Dingee confesses how fantastic she thinks Google+ will be for sourcing candidates and why she – and inevitably other recruiters too – will be scouring Google+ for talent and rich profiles on candidates.

The piece may be focused on the Amercian job market, and Google+ may be very new, but it never hurts to be ahead of the curve.

How to make it easier to find you in Google+ and via Google profiles – Keppie Careers

And, for anyone who wants some advice on how to make themselves more visible on Google+, here are some snippets of advice from career and social media coach, Miriam Salpeter.

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